Montana Wedding Photographer / Raelena and Kyle in Ronan, Montana

I spent last weekend at Flathead Lake in Montana for friends Raelena and Kyle's beautiful wedding. It was held in Ronan at The Silver Knot, a new and gorgeous venue there. They were able to spend a few days with so many friends and family boating, golfing and of course wedding festivities! The wedding party stayed at a B&B in Poulson called Swan Hill Bed and Breakfast. It was the perfect destination wedding and a fun vacation for all, I had a blast being part of it! 


Slideshow to see more of Raelena and Kyle's wedding!

Bonners Ferry Photographer / Francis and Gregg Engagement

A couple weeks ago I went up to Bonners Ferry, Idaho to photograph this engagement session. It's the same location that their wedding will be held in the midst of winter and it happens to be their property. WOW! Beautiful! We went down to the water where they have a rocky beach area that has the trains and tunnel directly across and trekked up to the highest view point. Such a gorgeous place they live. Gregg's grandpa works up there every day and I can see why. We also got to include their fur baby, Lily!



Spokane Family Photographer / Pentecost family in Riverfront Park

Their story began meeting here in Spokane while going to school. They moved away for work, got engaged and had their wedding in Spokane. Then made another move for school and had a BABY! Now this cute family has happily made it back here for good. It was fun capturing them downtown to show off their "new" home. And it was fun meeting their baby girl for the first time!


Spokane Teen Photographer / Alex and Whiskey

Gorgeous... a girl and her horse! Alex is just a sophomore in high school and she arranged me to come out and photograph her and Whiskey all on her own. She spends a lot of her time taking care of him at a ranch, again all on her own. She even made me a batch of cookies as a tip.... really what teenager does that?!? I'm impressed of the responsibilities and thoughtfulness this girl has.

Spokane Trail Rides

Spokane Baby Photography / Vanessa is one!

I feel like I'm on a role of 1 year old babies lately! All my clients had babies at the same time last year (including myself). Here is another sweet girl that did amazing for her shoot. Big brother too! Mom and Dad even got their own photo together... they look just like they did when they got married.


Spokane Family Photographer / Hoag Family at Manito Park

The Hoag family, growing! Baby #3 on the way. Can't wait to find out if this will truly be a house filled with boys or if they'll be adding some braids and bows to their routine. 💙 or 💗 ??? But for now look at this handsomeness!