spokane family photography

Spokane Family Photographer / Alexandra 6 months

Capturing Alexandra for her 6 month session and I'm pretty sure big sister was stealing the show. We were having too much fun with bubbles as you can tell! But really, baby Alexandra is such a smiley little girl, her eyes just look happy. 💗 I had so many amazing expressions of both of these girls it was hard to pick a few favorites.


Spokane Family Photographer / Pentecost family in Riverfront Park

Their story began meeting here in Spokane while going to school. They moved away for work, got engaged and had their wedding in Spokane. Then made another move for school and had a BABY! Now this cute family has happily made it back here for good. It was fun capturing them downtown to show off their "new" home. And it was fun meeting their baby girl for the first time!


Spokane Family Photographer / Hoag Family at Manito Park

The Hoag family, growing! Baby #3 on the way. Can't wait to find out if this will truly be a house filled with boys or if they'll be adding some braids and bows to their routine. 💙 or 💗 ??? But for now look at this handsomeness!